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Internet Security
Is my internet account being used by other users?
Your internet account is set up on your ADSL modem and it has its own password.
For example:
Password: xgeh*9302JKW
Your own username password has been programmed into your modem-router.
This internet username can only be used at one location at a time.
Switch off your modem when on holiday.

If your modem-router is wireless, it has a wireless password on it.
Anybody who knows this password can log onto your home network.
You can also connect your iPad or cellphone to your wireless network.

Your operating system: e.g. Windows or OSX.
Windows Update must be enabled for it to download security patches. This prevents hackers from damaging your operating system.
Your software programs:
Programs such as Word, Excel, Adobe Reader, Outlook, Firefox, Antivirus  all need to be updated regularly.

Mostly come in 2 forms:
- Basic Antivirus:  This is the more affordable version but only protects you against basic viruses and email viruses.
- Internet Security Antivirus: This recommended version has a built-in firewall as well as antivirus and spyware protection.

Make sure your data is backed up.
All your data should be backed up daily or weekly onto an external harddrive or onto a server on your network.
This external harddrive or server should be locked up in a cage in case of theft & must be mounted high up in case of water leaks.
Make sure your computers are insured and are chained down.

Which programs are currently using the internet?

A program called Networx can show you which programs are using your bytes on your PC. Just click on "Netstat" option.

It also checks your usage of your own PC.

Download the program called Networx now:
Download & install it for free here:

This awesome little program (only 3.1MB download!) can actually check your hourly usage!

How to use Networx:
1. Right-click on the system tray icon and select all these lovely options:

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